BETR Membership Benefits


Benefits of Industrial Affiliate Membership


Access to Monthly Research Webinars

Each month, on a designated Friday, the BETR Center will host a webinar featuring leading-edge research within the fields of physical electronics and optoelectronics. Given by researchers at UC Berkeley and other research institutions, these webinars will be accessible via an online meeting service. Recordings of these webinars will be made available to affiliates via a password-protected webpage on the BETR website.

Attendance at Semi-Annual Research Reviews

The BETR Center will hold two private research reviews per year where the latest results of the co-Directors’ research groups will be presented. These events will include a poster session, offering an opportunity to meet and interact with student presenters, who are potential candidates for internships and/or employment at your company.

Invitation to Berkeley EECS Annual Research Symposium (BEARS)

Each year in February, UC Berkeley’s Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences hosts a day-long research conference featuring a variety of informative talks by distinguished faculty members and advanced graduate students. BEARS gives industrial affiliates a look at some of the most exciting research being pursued in information science and technology.

Customized Briefings

Upon request, the BETR Center staff will facilitate the scheduling of meetings with individual BETR Center co-Directors. Based on best efforts, they will also facilitate introductions to other research centers and programs at UC Berkeley, as well as to companies that are part of UC Berkeley’s technology innovation ecosystem.

A Seat on the BETR Center’s Technical Advisory Board (TAB)

Each affiliate may designate one representative to serve on the Technical Advisory Board to provide feedback for on-going research and future directions, and to promote dialog between industry and academia. The TAB will comprise members from across the industrial ecosystem to provide BETR Center researchers with multiple and holistic perspectives, and will meet twice a year at the semi-annual research reviews.

Option to Direct Part of the Membership Fee to a Co-Director

An affiliate may direct part of the monetary membership fee to specific research project(s) or research team(s). Typically, an affiliate may indicate in writing the research topics of most interest to the company. The BETR Center co-Directors will then review this input and endeavor to allocate part of the company’s annual membership fee to support those research topics. Acknowledgment of the company’s support will be made in all publication of the results from studies that are funded specifically by the allocated portion of the company’s membership fee.

Facilitation of Technology Licensing

At the semi-annual review, a list of papers and patent applications submitted since the last review will be provided to the affiliates. Upon request, the BETR Center staff will facilitate introductions to the Industry Alliances Office and Office of Technology Licensing at UC Berkeley.